Anne Isaacs


00 44 (0) 77 9358 7133

Anne Isaacs

Without a doubt, EA has been my life’s work. Although a career is not a life, I feel strongly that we should take pleasure in our work, and that in essence is what I have encouraged our clients to aim for. We are not robots, helping people to develop their personal myth and agenda is what our work at EA was and still is, all about. Viva the human!

Over the years, Anne has stayed at the cutting edge of career management through continual innovation, creating new services in anticipation of new organisational needs. This creativity and insight is invaluable in helping her own clients to take their careers to the next level through coaching and outplacement.

She works at the highest level, with captains of global industry and heads of government; hard-hitting, heavyweight leaders who value her expert perspective to move forward and achieve their professional and personal goals.