Zoë Blake – Does more empathy mean more profit for businesses?

Zoë Blake looks at the business case for making company culture more empathic. A number of recent broadsheet and business press articles, perhaps triggered by the publication of a book on the subject by Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft), have discussed the evidence for whether bottom-line benefits can be derived from increased empathy in the workplace. For a variety of [...]

2023-01-11T12:35:09+00:00January 31st, 2022|Career Development, Communication, Development, Empathy|

‘Eye-opener’ Half Day Workshop on Emotional Intelligence with Heather and Alina

‘Well-articulated, efficient eye-opener session which provides strong personal feedback and paths for improvement’ – said a participant about our Half Day Emotional Intelligence Workshop that Heather Greatrex and Alina Addison have facilitated on Wednesday. We are delighted for the positive feedback we are getting for our sessions! View our upcoming workshop dates here and, if you are interested, please get [...]

Zoë Blake and Alina Addison – ‘Very practical’ workshop on Managing Your Personal Brand

We had another successful workshop yesterday evening at our offices. The event was facilitated by Zoë Blake and Alina Addison. Our active participants described the event as: 'all relevant'; 'very practical'; 'engaging style' and 'thought provoking'.   Following from the popularity of the event, we are organising another workshop on the topic on 8 November. If you are interested in [...]

A networking event and a workshop taster on Emotional Intelligence with Heather Greatrex and Alina Addison

Our fourth workshop taster on Emotional Intelligence was facilitated by Heather Greatrex and Alina Addison. The thought provoking discussion around what it takes to be a leader was followed by a relaxed networking. Thank you for the superb feedback for our participants.   You can view our upcoming workshops here, if you are interested in joining us, please contact Alexandra [...]

Alina Addison and Zoë Blake – Workshop taster on Managing Your Personal Brand

Straight line careers with a single or small number of employers are increasingly unusual - working lives are getting longer, rigid expectations of age and stage are being shaken up and multi-stage careers with multiple transitions are becoming ever more common. Thriving in this new landscape brings new challenges: being flexible in your thinking, being clear in the messages that [...]

Heather Greatrex and Alina Addison – Discussion about Emotional Intelligence over Breakfast

On 8th February, Alina Addison and Heather Greatrex presented a successful session over breakfast on Emotional Intelligence in the scope of our workshop taster event. Alina and Heather shared insights about the importance Emotional Intelligence and how it is relevant to a leader. We enjoyed the company of our guests and we hope we will see you all again soon. If you have any queries [...]

Alina Addison and Heather Greatrex – Another successful event on Emotional Intelligence

On 28th September, Alina Addison and Heather Greatrex presented another successful session on Emotional Intelligence in the scope of our workshop taster event titled: Do you lead with Emotional Intelligence? Alina and Heather shared insights about the importance Emotional Intelligence and how it is relevant to a leader. We enjoyed the company of our guests and we hope we will [...]

Jo Larbie – Building Strong Leadership Teams Within Partnerships – PART 2

In the second of two articles, Jo Larbie explains how to succeed in this challenging environment by building a supportive team that will deliver your firm’s goals - while making managing directors and managing partners look good. Becoming an effective leadership team Are you really a team or just a group of individuals who meet once a month?  To function [...]

2018-02-20T10:35:21+00:00September 6th, 2017|Communication, Development, Professional Services|

Jo Larbie – Building Strong Leadership Teams Within Partnerships – PART 1

It’s a well-known fact that leading and managing within a professional services firm can be a thankless responsibility; these roles are often ill-defined and it can be tough keeping outspoken partners in-line. In the first of two articles, Jo Larbie explains how to succeed in this challenging environment by building a supportive team that will deliver your firm’s goals - while [...]

Heather Greatrex – The People Dimension of Strategic Planning

Organisations, no matter what size or type of entity, will invariably have a strategic review or business planning event within their annual cycle. Such events can often take the form of an offsite with a detailed agenda, and perhaps even external speakers or someone to facilitate discussion. If viewed positively, the experience can be informative, productive and generate a sense [...]

2018-02-20T10:56:20+00:00August 21st, 2017|Communication, Strategic Planning|
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